Play Against Instrumentalization
Maybe play can remind us that the otherwise widespread instrumentalization can be resisted? That there is indeed more to life and to democracy than maximizing profits?
Maybe play can remind us that the otherwise widespread instrumentalization can be resisted? That there is indeed more to life and to democracy than maximizing profits?
Some might say that this whole thing about “play and democracy” is a misunderstanding, forcing play into a space, where it doesn’t belong: the realm of politics. What if play is already always political by nature?
Can play save democracy? It’s a big question and one that I’m afraid I can’t answer in the affirmative. Not yet, probably never. So what if even the best we can ever do will always fall short of “saving” democracy, if we can only hope to keep it alive, or, better yet, to make it come alive?
Fra en pædagogisk temadag i Hillerød, der havde fået titlen “Sæt legen i centrum”. Det var en skøn formiddag med en masse leg, refleksion og samtaler om leg. Sikke dog en herlig flok dygtige, engagerede pædagoger, der i den grad vil legen, og som har mod på at tage livtag med de små og store udfordringer, de møder hver dag.