Interview with Petra Stocker, Pro Juventute
Interview with Petra Stocker, Pro Juventute, about the Pro Juventute Play Festival 2018, which takes place in Biel, Switzerland, on May 25th and 26th.
Interview with Petra Stocker, Pro Juventute, about the Pro Juventute Play Festival 2018, which takes place in Biel, Switzerland, on May 25th and 26th.
CounterPlay is collaborating with the Swiss youth organisation “Pro Juventute” to run a play festival with a particular focus on play in public. It takes place on May 25 and May 26, 2018.
When hosting or participating in play events, I always aim to 1) play, 2) think about play and 3) talk about play. As part of the latter, I find it important to have a conversation about the future: where do we go from here? How do we create better conditions for play and the playful society?
Now it’s time to explore the central themes as they emerged through play at the recent CounterPlay Leeds festival!
What happens when CounterPlay is brought to a completely different setting in another country? CounterPlay Leeds was our first experiment with “satellite” festivals and it was a BLAST!