Blog & News

The “What/Why” of CounterPlay

Many people ask: “What is “CounterPlay”? Why should I consider participating?” Read more for an attempt at answering those questions.

Playing at the Edge

The theme of CounterPlay ’19 is “playing at the edge”, and we welcome different forms of proposals that reflect this in one way or another. As always, we are eager to explore play from as many different angles as possible, building on our three pillars: playful learning, playful working and playful living.

CounterPlay Manifesto

While retaining a fundamental openness, curiosity and the capacity to always learn more about the nature of play, with this manifesto we wish to put a stake in the ground and make our position on play clearly visible.



Playful Arts Festival 2018

Playful Arts Festival 2018

When I was recently driving back from Playful Arts Festival in Den Bosch, the Netherlands, even the dreadful traffic on the Autobahn was not nearly enough to kill my enthusiasm for this great event!

Materials and Junk-yard Play

Materials and Junk-yard Play

Together with our friends Helle Marie Skovbjerg and Ann Charlotte Thorsted, we have formed a small play club and we recently hosted our second event to play with materials and celebrate junk-yard playgrounds.

From Biel with love

From Biel with love

When I came home from the Pro Juventute play festival a few weeks ago, my head was full of impressions, thoughts and ideas – as it always happens after participating in lovely play events. I was particularly struck by the “Playable Esplanade”, where so much joyous play took place.

Danish posts:

Det Legende Bibliotek

Det Legende Bibliotek

Biblioteker over hele verden er i fuld gang med at genopfinde sig selv, nu hvor udlån af materialer fylder mindre og mindre. I den sammenhæng kan man spørge sig selv om biblioteker kan og bør være mere legende?

Leg er Fremtiden

Leg er Fremtiden

Om høringen “Børn, uddannelse og den nye industrielle revolution”, som var arrangeret af International Play Associations danske afdeling, professionshøjskolen UCC og MF Ida Auken, Radikale Venstre.

What if playful people are better equipped to live good lives together in this messy, chaotic world?